
Thursday, May 24, 2012

And people question why fishing is a SPORT

It's days like TODAY that I live for, that make my heart race and face light up with utter joy and excitement and remind me why I LOVE fishing.  Woke up with the full intention of putting in a long full day of work with my ebay business, but it took only one question from my husband as he was heading out the door for work... "Are you fishing today" to realize I had the OK to play hooky and do what I love (on a gorgeous hot sunny day).  Kids still have a month left of school...and I need to take advantage of these ALONE days to charge up my fulfillment meter.

Decided to hit up a new Lock along the Rideau that I recently found that is secluded, beautiful and quiet (love people and chatter..but most of the time I want to just enjoy the sounds of nature and be by myself).   Things started out slow, but in the true fashion of growth,  as I'm always working on patience (perhaps my least strong suit) I kept at it.  After 2 hours (and 1 accidentally out of season large mouth)...I finally landed a nice 22" Pike (using a weedless red devil spoon)...and momma was happy:)   

Decided to move up to the next lock that I'd only been to once before and had not fully explored...boy was that a great idea:)  Got to the lock and walked to the front end which I was very happily surprised to see had falls & rapids that I didn't know about on top of the calm canal...there was a PLETHRA of great fishing to be had...but something caught my eye (it was impossible not too)...a pool of  well over 100 CARP.  I've never attempted to fish for carp (although I'd thought about it after seeing the size of them last year and did buy heavy test line and large hooks to put in my box)...every time I've seen them it's been in places i can't get to for easy fishing and I've just watched and admired:)  WELL today that changed!!!  I decided to do an experiment...put the last of my worms on my hook with some weights and just plop them down amongst the carp and see what happens...WELL...took only a minute before TUG and then WHAM something was off with my line and it was BIG and ready for a fight.   After 40 minutes of fighting something bigger then I'd ever dealt with on my 10lb line with small size 4 muster hook I was starting to have even more respect for Mr. Jeremy Wade and his RIVER MONSTERS!

 For anyone who wonders why they call FISHING a SPORT (and even as a HUGE lover of fishing I've had  moments I've wondered as well)....the 45 minute workout I received on this first carp showed me why they call it a was harder then some of the gym classes I've done:)  After 45 minutes...this big guy got off the line just as he got close (can you say swear fest..yep..all by myself as a family of deer passed by crossing the river in front of me...they even turned to look at the crazy lady).  Decided I had enough time for another try (and fight) before I had to leave to get the kids from school.  Worms were all I changed to a HUGE hook..and put on a pink rubber worm (figured my chances would be slim with this tactic, but I was proven wrong) took a few minutes longer this time, but BOOM one was on and it was off.  Just as with the first...the fight was long and hard (even dropped my phone in the water during the survived.) but I eventually tired him out enough to get him close enough to net...only problem..I'd stretched my 10lb line out so much with the first guy and then this encounter that it was very weak and ready to I put my net in to scoop him out..he thrashed and BANG went my line ...and off went Mr. Carp ( I did manage a quick video moments before).  I wanted to be disappointed...(and was a bit of course), but was so delighted with the fight and the excitement of something new that I could happen but be exhilarated.

I certainly won't make CARP fishing my main goal, but I do guarantee that I'll eventually  land one and have some pictures in the near future and then I'll be back to my regular friends:)

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