
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Learning Patience is KEY to catching Big Fish!

The kids are out of school which means lots of flexibility and FISHING! We're always on the lookout while driving around for NEW fishing spots to try (living out in the country with lot of lakes around...we're always coming upon little spots we've never tried).

One of my FAVORITE spots in our town of Carleton Place (just outside of Ottawa) is under a major over pass on Hwy 7. It has easy access and it connects the Mississippi River with Mississippi Lake so there is lots of stuff coming in and out. One of the best parts is it has nice moving water, but also great weeds and sop bogs on either side of the bridge which I've learned usually seem to contain at least one or two decent size large mouth if you're patient and using the right tools :)

I'm the first to admit I'm not always the most patient person! I'm usually a GO GO always doing something, never sitting still kinda girl. It's one of the reasons I love FISHING because I have no choice to be patient...I can cast for an hour or two with nothing but small catches of pan fish and then all of a sudden BOOM...I have a BIG fish on the line and it makes it all worth this sense fishing is a great learning experience for overall life!

A couple weeks ago I was at my favorite spot under the overpass with my youngest guy while my hubby was out in the banana boat with the older kid trolling and trying to catch BIG stuff. I stood there casting over and over again for 90 minutes in the evening with my worm and bobber (it was extremely weedy and I wasn't feeling too adventures ) and cast after cast I was reeling in silly panfish after silly panfish (don't get me wrong some are getting to huge crazy shocking sizes , but after almost 1000 panfish caught so far this season...I'm a bit bored:). Ill be honest I was getting bored and frustrated (especially since I knew hubby was probably catching BIG stuff out in the lake while I stood dinky fish on shore) when it was almost time to leave out of the blue I felt THAT TUG...that one that is so strong it starts to pull your line out and you hear that hmmm of your unravelling line. I didn't know what it was..and frankly I didn't care...I just knew it was BIG and I was ready! Of course after fighting with this guy for 5 minutes and asking my little guy to get the NET I realize I'd left it in the car...and when I ask for my gloves...I'm informed that I only have 1 as daddy took the other one on the boat...oh this will be FUN! When I get the catch in close enough..he's hiding under the sop weeds and still have no clue what he is or his size. After some more fight we get a head above water and see its a HUGE Largemouth...bigger then any I've caught I go with my hand (just in time as the line snaps as I grab him) to bring him on shore and revel in my catch. This guy was gorgeous...super healthy, clean and 21". Absolutely made my day (OK probably's tough being home with 2 kids for summer break :) Besides having an awesome catch..I was again reminded patience is probably the most important of all my fishing tools.

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