
Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Northern Pike were calling...

After a dreary week of rain hubby the kids and I decided on a Saturday morning outing to Kilmarnock Lock AGAIN (OK...most of my fave spots are still not usable till next week - as they are sanctuaries till the week-end after June this place is heaven on earth at the moment....and I'm not good with change...LOVE going somewhere knowing I'll at least get some action:). It was slightly overcast and calling for rain, so we were hoping to get some nice catches in before we needed to leave (rain fishing is awesome alone...but with kids..not so much).

The GOOD TIMES started out quickly with a nice 18" PIKE catch in the lower part of the lock within minutes of getting there...nice spinner lure in orange caught this guy. Moved over to the inlet on the other side of the lock (kids and hubby figured out there was a little path in the bushes to get further in which was AWESOME). Happily spent the rest of the mid day catching 17 pan fish in the inlet. As it was getting time to leave I switched over to my new weedless Frog Lure and it took only a few casts with this sucker and WHOA....a gorgeous 25" Pike (finally got one big enough to use my new mouth opener with). Now I've never had to actually place my hand in the mouth of a pike before...other occasions I've been lucky that the lures have come loose when they've been in the net and I've lucked out on having to do the dirty work...but this guy insisted on me getting that hand in there...all went well..not bites to him or I. This guy was a good size and he was still 5" short of a Ontario Angler Awards Entry...I know there are bigger ones at this location so I'll be back to try again in the near future :)

All in all a WONDERFUL Saturday with the family and the fish!!

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